Basic Wiccan Altar Set

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Sale price$53.32 Regular price$66.65


Welcome, kindred soul! Are you looking to set up your own Wiccan altar and embrace the age-old practice of magical rites? If so, the Basic Wiccan Altar Set is just what you need! This essential set is filled with items perfect for any practitioner trying to take their spiritual practice to the next step. Inside you'll find a Pentacle Altar Chalice, Black Handle Athame, Triple Moon Pentacle Altar Cloth, Wooden Wand, Pentacle Altar Tile, Metal Cauldron, and Silver Bell - every essential item for your journey!

The breadth of these items all come together to create a stunningly mystical atmosphere that transports you into the realm of Pagan mysticism. The deep metal of the cauldron beckons for ritual sacrifice and spells; the bell chimes forth a reminder of purity and divinity; and the wooden wand allows focus and intention to direct energies in powerful ways. These items belong in your space if magic has been calling on you. With this hand-picked collection, we offer an invitation; use these sacred artifacts as stepping stones along your path towards infinite knowledge.

Let the Basic Wiccan Altar Set be your companion on this journey; its timelessness can bring peace and comfort in moments of clarity as well as balance during times of chaos. Take charge of your destiny like never before– explore ancient responses off all that can't be seen with physical eyes and accept eternal truths that no tool or tarot card could ever measure. All who enter here will find solace in knowing that there isn't something unknowable because it is all within our power granted by each basic element included in this set.

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